Fat loss is usually a good thing, but when it comes to your face, it can result in an older, hollowed appearance as your skin ages. A facial fat transfer can address this issue and help give your skin a more youthful appearance with no scarring.
In this blog, top facial plastic surgeon Dr. Cecil Yeung of the Yeung Institute explains the goals of a facial fat transfer procedure.
What is a facial fat transfer?
Most people spend a fair amount of time trying to lose body fat, but one place you actually want fat is in your face. It’s fat that gives your face a youthful, somewhat plumped, and healthy appearance.
This procedure involves collecting fat from your abdomen, thighs or other areas of your body and implanting it into your face. As a result, your face will have a more youthful appearance. It’s minimally invasive, and since your own fat is used, it looks and feels natural and won’t cause immune problems.
When is it recommended?
If your face has started to develop a hollow, sunken appearance that makes you look tired and older than you are, a facial fat transfer may help restore a more youthful appearance.
It can help with the following issues:
- Facial creases, including laugh lines, smile lines, and crow’s feet
- Acne scars
- Forehead wrinkles
- Skin depressions
- Sunken areas of the face
What is involved?
Fat is harvested from another part of your body – such as your abdomen, hips, or buttocks – and processed so it can be injected into facial areas. It helps fill in the areas that have a loss of volume in order to restore a plump, youthful appearance.
The procedure usually takes anywhere from 1 to 3 hours, but it can take longer if it’s performed along with other procedures. Since no incisions are made, you’ll have no scarring afterward.
Aftercare is very important since it directly affects how successful the results of your procedure will be. You’ll need to take the following precautions:
- Protect your face from physical trauma or compression
- Ensure that you move your face minimally for about two weeks so your grafted fat cells can establish a new blood supply
What is the goal of a facial fat transfer?
It's performed in order to give your skin a plumper, more youthful appearance by using your own fat cells. The cells that survive the transfer will stay indefinitely, so if you take care to protect your face and restrict your movements for a few weeks post-procedure, your results will look as good as possible.
If you’d like to have a more youthful appearance and are interested in a facial fat transfer or other procedure, make an appointment today with the Yeung Institute. Dr. Yeung combines artistry with technical skill and 20 years of experience and will ensure that you have all the information you need and understand what you can expect from this procedure. In the meantime, check out the before-and-after pictures of some of our facial fat transfer patients.