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Facelift Specialist

When you want the most natural results with the most innovative, minimally invasive facelift surgery available, Dr. Cecil Yeung of the Yeung Institute is a pioneer in aesthetic surgery. Dr. Yeung is known for introducing the cutting-edge endoscopic facelift to women and men in and around Houston. Learn more about this advanced surgical technique that delivers the most natural, long-lasting results. Call or schedule a facelift consultation online.

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Facelift Q & A

What is a facelift?

A facelift is a surgical procedure that lessens the signs of aging on your face and neck. When you age, your skin loses elasticity and begins to sag as a result of genetics, lifestyle, sun exposure, and even smoking. Dr. Yeung performs facelift surgery (a rhytidectomy) to reposition your facial muscles and soft tissue so your face looks younger, firmer, and refreshed. A facelift can:

  • Lessen visible signs of aging
  • Eliminate deep creases and wrinkles around your nose and mouth
  • Improve the contour of your jawline and tighten jowls
  • Lift and tighten loose skin
  • Remove fat under your chin
  • Create separation between your lower eyelids and cheeks

Dr. Yeung creates an individual treatment plan that specifically addresses your needs so you get the outcome you desire. He specializes in natural-looking results and often combines facelift surgery with other procedures like a neck lift or a facial fat transfer.

What type of facelift surgery do I need?

When it comes to facelift surgery, Dr. Yeung recommends options that are best for your specific goals. Different techniques and methods correct a variety of issues, such as the endoscopic mid-facelift and the deep plane facelift. An endoscopic mid-facelift is a minimally invasive surgery that focuses on improving the upper cheeks. It’s also a good choice to remedy drooping jowls and deep laugh lines, and for creating definition between your lower eyelids and cheeks.

For more dramatic results, Dr. Yeung may recommend the technique he pioneered in Houston: the deep plane facelift. This lower facelift surgery is superior to other techniques that simply lift facial skin and last for a few years. With the deep plane facelift, Dr. Yeung repositions both muscle and skin. Targeting the muscle underneath your skin results in minimal tension, seamless scars, and long-lasting, natural results.

When you want to turn back the clock to restart the aging process without experiencing facial sagging a few years after a facelift, the deep plane facelift might be the option for you.

What is the recovery time after a facelift?

A facelift typically takes 4-6 hours, or longer if you combine it with other procedures, such as a neck lift to correct sagging neck skin, or a facial fat transfer. Expect to have some swelling and bruising after the surgery and sutures where Dr. Yeung made incisions. Recovery time is usually 10-14 days. Minimal scarring is typically along the hairline or by your ears.

Learn more about facelift surgeries with Dr. Yeung by calling or scheduling a consultation online.

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