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Facial Scar Removal, Repair, & Prevention in Houston

Dr. Yeung is a top facial plastic surgeon in Houston offering facial scar removal surgery. He specializes in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery for all types of scar removal. Dr. Yeung is known for his personalized and attentive approach and for delivering exceptional results for his patients.

Scar Repair Sp

Scars are visible signs that remain after a wound has healed. They are often the unavoidable result of an injury or surgery, and their development can be unpredictable. Poor healing may contribute to scars that are obvious, unsightly, or disfiguring. Even a wound that heals well can result in a scar that affects your appearance. Scars may be raised or recessed, different in color or texture from surrounding healthy tissue, or particularly noticeable due to their size, shape or location. For people who have facial scars, whatever the reason, self-esteem, and confidence can be seriously impacted.

At the Yeung Institute, top Houston facial plastic surgeon Dr. Cecil Yeung has extensive experience in facial scar removal procedures as well as emergency scar repair (scar closure). He offers numerous treatment options that can be tailored to each patient’s individual needs.

What are the different types of scars?

  • Keloid scars: The result of an overly aggressive healing process, keloid scars extend beyond the original injury and may hamper movement. They are especially common among people with darker skin.
  • Contracture scars: Contracture scars are caused by burns. They can tighten skin and impact muscles and nerves, which can impair your ability to move.
  • Hypertrophic scars: Hyptrophic scars are raised, red scars that are similar to keloids but do not go beyond the boundary of the injury.
  • Acne scars: Acne scars come in many types, ranging from deep pits to angular or wavelike scars.

Nonsurgical Treatments for Existing Facial Scars

The degree of improvement that can be achieved with scar revision will depend on the severity of your scarring, and the type, size, and location of the scar(s). In some cases, a single technique may provide significant improvement. However, your plastic surgeon may recommend a combination of scar revision techniques to achieve the best results.

  • Steroid injections may flatten the scar and reduce inflammation
  • Cryotherapy (freezing therapy with liquid nitrogen) may help
  • Silicone sheets may flatten the scar
  • Depressions may be smoothed through injection of dermal fillers
  • Acne treatment options depend on the type of scars
  • Some facial scars can be eliminated with CO2 laser skin resurfacing

Emergency Scar Repair

Dr. Yeung is frequently called upon by patients who require an emergency scar closure on the face. Due to his meticulous techniques and advanced microvascular skills, Dr. Yeung is able to prevent or minimize facial scarring from injuries when treated early. If you have suffered from a facial injury that requires proper treatment or you have already been to the emergency room, but need a more experienced surgeon to correct the closure, contact our office right away.

Where can I find the best plastic surgeon for scar repair & removal in Houston?

If you are looking to get rid of an existing facial scar or get a newly-formed scar treated by an expert, contact our office today.

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